How to Cultivate Self-Love

It can be a challenge to love yourself, and if you are struggling with where to start, you aren't alone.
Below are some ideas to help you get started on cultivating self-love to better your life.
Remind Yourself that Everyone is Unique
It will be impossible to love yourself if you don't acknowledge that you will never be anyone else. If you keep wishing to be someone else, you will never love yourself as you are. So start your self-love journey by letting go of the jealousy or envy you hold for someone else and recognizing that you are amazing just the way you are.
Count Your Blessings
Many people find it difficult to cultivate self-love because they always look at what they don't have rather than what they do. This comparison makes it difficult to love yourself because you feel like there is always something more you should be doing. If you find yourself focusing on your shortcomings rather than your skills, maybe sit down and make a list of your skills. This list can help remind you of all the amazing things there are to love about you!
Talk Positively To Yourself
You will never love yourself while you are talking to yourself negatively. Earlier, you acknowledged your skills. Focus on those. Don't let the negative thoughts in. Whenever you have a negative thought, replace it with five positive ones. You can also work to develop positive affirmations to combat specific negative thoughts you frequently have. These affirmations will help you to see yourself in a better light.
Make Your Self-Care A Priority
Chances are if you are struggling with self-love, your self-care is lacking as well. This is because self-love and self-care go hand in hand. So, if you find yourself always running out of time for yourself, now is the time to make some. It would help if you were sure your schedule had enough time to eat healthy, exercise, and get enough sleep. Doing all of these things will help you feel better, and it will make it easier to work on learning to love yourself.
Overall, cultivating self-love is never easy or simple. But if you can remember that you are unique, focus on your strengths, and talk to yourself positively, you'll find that cultivating self-care wasn't as hard as you thought. Add in a little self-care, and before you know it, you will absolutely love yourself!